About the Garden
Contact Info and Location
John Day Community Garden
Grant County Fairgrounds, 3rd Street Extension
PO Box 853
John Day, OR 97845
The John Day Community Garden was established in 2010. The garden is located on Grant County Fairgrounds property and operates under a lease with the fairgrounds. An AmeriCorps service member worked for the first 18 months helping to establish the community garden, in addition to numerous food banks and other gardens in Grant County.
Several grants from the USDA and the Oregon Food Bank, as well as countless hours contributed by numerous volunteers made the garden possible. Malhuer Lumber, the US Forest Service, and the Warm Springs Tribe also contributed labor and materials to help build the garden infrastructure.
Today, the garden continues to operate thanks to its hardworking members, an ongoing lease with the Grant County Fairgrounds, and the support of community businesses and individuals.