Learn garden rules | Download paperwork
The basics
Members pay an annual fee, and in exchange get access to their own raised bed, tools, and water for the season. Members also have opportunities to connect with other gardeners, and sometimes there are perks like free seeds or plants available. The garden also participates in outreach events and partners with local organizations.
All members are required to volunteer 2 hours per month for garden upkeep (in addition to the time spent on your own plot). Activities like weeding pathways, planting/weeding/watering the community pumpkin patch, and hauling weeds to the burn pile count towards this requirement.
Prices--2024 Gardening Season
The garden has 2 bed sizes:
Small (5x10) $25
Large (5x20) $35
Plot agreements
Download and complete this form to become a member. You can email us a digital copy or print it and return by mail. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Important! If you are a new member, please contact the community garden before filling out the form.
Click here to download a plot agreement
Important: Before paying for a plot, you MUST submit a plot agreement, and verify with a garden board member what plot you are assigned to. DO NOT pay for a plot without first confirming your desired plot with a board member.
The garden accepts payments by check or Paypal. For payments made with Paypal, there is an additional fee of $1.50/plot to cover Paypal service charges.
To pay by check, make your check out to GREAT-Community Garden and mail your payment to:
John Day Community Garden, PO Box 853, John Day, OR 97845
To pay with Paypal, follow instructions below: